Sometimes it’s not about environmental history

I am not going to pretend this post is about environmental history – it is more about gratuitous self-indulgence (one of the many benefits of having a blog!), and pure enjoyment of the landscape (not a bad thing in itself, after all).

This morning, Carter and I set out on a Wednesday “environmental history” adventure (about which there will be a later post) and, driving down Mazengarb Road, I noticed some interesting cloud formations over Kapiti Island. So we parked up near the Waikanae Estuary Reserve on Takahe Drive, and I took a few shots to see if I could capture the full effect of these amazing cloud formations. (Note that while this post is about clouds and self-indulgence, you can read about the history of Kapiti Island in two previous posts: Kapiti Island – a microcosm of environmental history – Part 1 and Part 2.)

Driving back through Otaihanga, on our way to Waikanae, we spotted more striking cloud formations (I think – though I am no cloud expert – comprised of cirrus and cumulus humulis), and stopped on the roadside to take a few more shots (below).

For any cloud enthusiasts out there, we found this handy downloadable poster of New Zealand cloud types, produced by the Civil Aviation Authority.

Photo top: Kapiti Island taken from the extension of Takahe Drive, in the foreground can be seen the product of the regeneration work around the Waikanae Estuary. Middle and bottom: Taken from Ratanui Road (Photos: C. Knight). For any photography/camera buffs out there, these photos were taken on a Canon PowerShot SX30 IS. This was an early Christmas present from my husband and father, on special request. Though I love photography, I have only ever had basic point-and-shoot cameras, and I am only starting to come to grips with this camera and its various functions and settings. Hopefully, readers will notice a gradual improvement in the quality of photographs over time!

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